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The following data is available in XMLTV format:

To access the Plus data you need a JWT token which you will get after you donated.

Access the Plus data with TV-Browser:

If you use the TV-Browser plugin you can simply enter the token in the plugin's settings.

Access the Plus data if you don't use TV-Browser:

If you use an other software than TV-Browser the token has to be added to each request in the header's Authorization field as "Bearer [token]".

How to test if it would work:

You can now try if it works, without having received a token, by accessing the following test file: https://epg-plus.com/test/testfile.txt with this token:


Example: If you use cURL, you need to use the following command:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IlUyRnNkR1ZrWDE4Mi1WbTZURFJ3NXdXTW90Z3dFRk5pIiwiaXNzIjoiZXBnLXBsdXMuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNjcwNDM2MjQwfQ.wOBzz5TzyNZTzeKVPRGQf13J3lzWomBFNosxuAje6yU" -X GET https://epg-plus.com/test/testfile.txt

(Keep in mind that this token is only valid for this specific test file, not for the real data. To test a real token, use for example the file "https://epg-plus.com/plus/last_update".)

For developers:

If you access the data make sure to avoid unnecessary requests and cache data as possible. To find out if any data changed since your last visit, you can look up the "last_update" file or make a HEAD request to "datalist.xml" to get the "Last-Modified" date.

If there have been changes on the server, download the "datalist.xml" file to find out which channels have updates on which dates. Download only those files that actually have been updated since your last visit.

All data is available as ".xml" file, which is sent gzip compressed (if supported by client) and as ".xml.gz" compressed file (even though they are not displayed in the lists on top of this page).

Keep in mind that the data is subject to copyright by the respective owners and must only be used for private, non-commercial use.